International Visiting Researchers

Currently, the International Office has apartments for guest researchers and doctoral researchers in the so-called StuSie (student village) next to Seepark, at Buggingerstraße No. 2 and No. 50, as well as apartments in the university's guesthouse, the Liefmann-Haus at Goethestraße 33-35.

If you want to apply for an apartment in one of the guest houses, please send us a complete and signed application form as a word document (docx, no pdf files) via email to Please replace the help text marked red with your own data when you complete the form.

Upon receiving your application for a guesthouse apartment, you will get a notification from us. Roughly two months prior to the beginning of the rental date you requested, a concrete confirmation or rejection will be sent to you. Since the number of available apartments in the guesthouses is far lower than the number of applicants, we strongly recommend that you simultaneously look for an apartment from the private market on your own. The International Office offers an independent housing pool via the apartment database (see below).
rent/month: see link for details
rental period: 1 - 6 months
size: ap. 43qm – 107 qm

At Sundgauallee, we have single room apartments and one or two bedrooms apartment which are suitable for couples and family with children
rent/month: 455,00 – 1195,00 Euros
rental period: 6 months minimum
size: 27 qm – 119 qm    

Benutzerspezifische Werkzeuge